The Fine Art Trade Guild – Buy With Confidence

Members of The Fine Art Trade organisationSince 1910 the Fine Art Trade Guild has been setting standards that are recognised by the art and framing  industry worldwide.

As Guild members, we uphold the standards and qualifications developed by the Guild, which are designed to help customers buy with confidence.

For more information see  The Fine Art Trade Guild website

Our key commitments to you as members of the Fine Art Trade Guild are to act fairly and reasonably which means we will ;

  • Observe the highest standards of integrity in all transactions
  • Protect the interests of our customers
  • Avoid the use of false, confusing, inaccurate or misleading terms, descriptions and claims
  • Make every effort to reach an amicable and speedy solution in the event of a dispute with a customer
  • Maintain adequate insurance protection to suit our business and customers’ needs
  • Represent ourselves as a member of the Guild only whilst a current member
  • Maintain and enhance the reputation, standing and good name of the Guild and its membership
  • Contribute to the advancements of the profession through development and support of Guild standards, the education of fellow members and consumers
How to make a complaint

As Guild members, we aim to provide an excellent, professional service at all times. If, however, you are unhappy with any aspect of our service, please tell us so that we have the chance to put matters right.

If we cannot settle the complaint to your satisfaction, you may ask the Fine Art Trade Guild to look into it. You can contact the Guild by writing to: The Fine Art Trade Guild. 16-18 Empress Place, London SW6 1TT.

Your recommendation counts

If you are happy with us – please tell others!
Your personal recommendation is the best way to help us promote high standards in art and framing.

More about The Fine Art Trade Guild

The Fine Art Trade Guild’s purpose today, is as it was when founded over 100 years ago. It is to promote, develop and inform the picture industry. Its aims are  ;

  • To promote the consideration and discussion of all questions affecting the trade in fine art pictures, picture framing, picture restoration and artists’ materials and, to develop and pursue policies which will promote and protect the interests of the trade.
  • To promote excellence and just and honourable practice in the conduct of business and to promote and enforce a code of ethics, with appropriate levels of arbitration to settle disputes.
  • To originate and promote improvements in laws and statutory administration affecting the industry.
  • To improve the technical and general knowledge of those engaged or about to engage in the industry, assisting with or promoting training and relevant qualifications.
  • To promote the commercial interests of its members.
  • To educate and inform the trade, wider business and consumers on all matters affecting the industry.
  • To establish or co-operate with others to establish associations with similar objects to those of the Fine Art Trade Guild and to work in close association with them.
  • To provide facilities for social contact between members of the Guild and its associates, and their friends.

A Contemporary Art Gallery in Cornwall